School of the Mighty
School of the Mighty Podcast
Lessons from the Battlefield 3.08.24

Paid episode

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Lessons from the Battlefield 3.08.24

Balancing Truth and Love: Navigating Difficult Conversations

Embrace Truth & Love in Our Tolerant World:

In a world that champions tolerance yet often wanders lost, finding the balance between upholding God's truth and loving others can feel like walking a tightrope. That's exactly what we're diving into in our latest podcast episode, "Balancing Truth and Love: Navigating Difficult Conversations." This episode is a must-listen if you've ever struggled with maintaining your convictions while reaching out with compassion in our "anything goes" society.

Join us as we tackle how to firmly represent the truth of God's Word while engaging lovingly with those around us, especially during tough discussions. We'll offer Biblical insights, real-life applications, and practical steps to ensure you're equipped to stand in truth and move in love, regardless of the world's shifting standards. It's all about loving well without compromising the Truth — a vital dance for any believer navigating today's culture.

Tune in and find out how you can be a beacon of God’s love and truth in a world that desperately needs both.

This post is for paid subscribers

School of the Mighty
School of the Mighty Podcast
Conversations, encouragement, questions, and teachings to build mighty men & women.