School of the Mighty
School of the Mighty Podcast
Lessons from the Battlefield 2.23.24

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of School of the Mighty

Lessons from the Battlefield 2.23.24

True Discipleship: Going Beyond the Seats

Explore the Heart of Discipleship in Our Latest Podcast Episode

Hi there,

We are reaching out with something special that we believe could resonate deeply with you. Our latest podcast episode, "True Discipleship: Going Beyond the Seats," delves into the essence of Jesus' call for us to make disciples, not just followers. This episode challenges us to reflect on our personal commitment to Christ and explores practical ways to embody the mission He entrusted to us. It’s a heartfelt invitation to reevaluate our paths and realign our actions with the Great Commission.

If you're seeking to deepen your understanding of what it means to truly follow Jesus and lead others to do the same, this is for you. Tune in to rekindle your passion for discipleship and discover actionable steps to live out your faith more authentically.

Let’s journey together towards a more profound discipleship experience.

This post is for paid subscribers

School of the Mighty
School of the Mighty Podcast
Conversations, encouragement, questions, and teachings to build mighty men & women.